Our People

Ryan Lawrence


Ryan Lawrence leaning into his young son with trees in the background.

After zig-zagging through multiple time zones, a couple of transmissions, and one MFA program, Ryan has found his calling as an Acton Guide in the Land of Enchantment.  He grew up in much soggier coastal NC and once hoofed it all the way from Georgia to Maine on the Appalachian Trail (a feat he would recommend to everybody—and nobody—if you know what he means). Most recently a stay-at-home dad, he’s also worked in the hospitality industry, as a backcountry ranger, a composition instructor, and a youth basketball coach.

Ryan Lawrence sitting outside with learners from Acton Academy East Mountains.

Ryan believes in the power of storytelling and experiential learning, in the power of failing in order to thrive. He values time in nature, especially as it relates to one’s early development. As a child, he loved to check out the many natural wonders surrounding him, in addition to writing and drawing and honing his jump shot. Luckily little has changed, except now you’re likely to find him kicking the b-ball with Leo, his son.

Gabriel & KaLee Lee


Gabriel is an entrepreneur with a self built real-estate business. KaLee has worked in manufacturing leadership, continuous improvement, and project management for 20 years. Together they have already founded one charity that is passionate about building food forests in impoverished areas. This is the next great adventure in their journey as KaLee will help with the administration of the school, and Gabe finds the next great location where the vision can continue to grow and flourish.

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